Dec 13, 2017
A BIG Thank You!
The Harris Primary ED spirit was in full effect last weekend, with not one but two events on the schedule. Over the two events and the...

Nov 24, 2017
Christmas Elf Visit tickets online now
Every year, our kids Christmas event is a sell out success, and this year will be no exception! Click here to buy your tickets now! £5...

Nov 23, 2017
Meet Mother Christmas!
You know what they say, “Behind every great man….”? Well, Mrs Santa herself is gracing us with her presence at our big Christmas event!...
Oct 20, 2017
Shop at M&S online and raise funds!
Marks & Spencer are the latest addition to our Armchair Fundraising scheme - where you shop online via the links on our page, and raise...

Oct 8, 2017
What involves 12 pubs, 96 covers, 76 questions and a cake named after a lightening strike?
It's the FoHPED pub quiz, of course! If you missed it, you missed a night to remember (which is kind of ironic as so many people claimed...