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April 2024 AGM: Key Takeaways

The FoHPED Annual General Meeting for the 2023/2024 academic year happened last 24th April at the school, kindly hosted by Ms Liddicoat, and for the first time also streamed via Zoom. Thanks to all the parents and staff that joined either in person or online in what was a record attendance! 🙌

In case you've missed it, we put together a one pager with the key takeaways from the meeting, and also have the minutes available for download below.

Annual update from your PTA (Parent Teacher Association), April 2024

Thank you to Miss Liddicoat and Ms Stevens-Cox for hosting us at school and to all the parents and carers that joined via Zoom.

what’s going well?

  • We raised more than £22,000 in the year to 31 March 2023! Huge thanks to everyone who donated, participated, and volunteered.

  • Fairs and the kids’ disco are the most popular events. We are building stronger relationships with staff, so that teachers and the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) can work together to suggest ways to spend the money we raise.

  • Since September, we have spent approximately £6,000 on the playground (mural and planting) and £5,500 on enrichment including forest school training and supplies, supporting families with the cost of school trips, Science Week workshops, World Book Day events and teacher appreciation.

  • We have also budgeted roughly £3,000 on upcoming Arts Week workshops and Culture Day, along with £3,500 on playground seating and a bug hotel.

  • The enrichment spending is lower than previous years. This is mostly due to the school’s efforts to reduce the cost of trips by using fewer coaches (which the PTA used to subsidise) and maximise use of free facilities e.g. Alleyn’s.

What do we want to improve on?

  • Many parents told us they don’t have time to help but want to donate. Good news: this is up and running via our website and you can also donate when you’re shopping using EasyFundraising.

  • The PTA doesn’t reflect the amazing diversity of our school community. We hope Culture Day in June will be a chance to meet and involve more parents, and we will work towards hosting events at different times of the day, such as a coffee morning.

  • We can continue to improve transparency – sharing how much money we raise and where it is spent.

  • Parents want more events that showcase the children’s work through performances and crafting, so we’re excited for June’s art exhibition!

  • We continue to try to get the right balance with communication, so that everyone knows what is happening, without getting overwhelmed by messages.

  • The sub-committee of year 6 parents has worked very hard to raise money to provide bursaries for the residential trip and subsidise leavers’ activities. The fundraising targets are huge and we are exploring a different model to try to support any family that needs help with the cost of school.

Our priorities and where we need help

  • We need fresh energy and ideas! Everyone is invited to the next meeting in September. We need new volunteers for Co-Chairs and a team to run our incredible fairs. Speak to your class rep to learn more. Without new members, sadly community-building events aren’t possible and we would also have to cut back on fundraising.

  • 27th June is HPAD Culture Day – please get involved, however you can!

  • The Summer Fair is 15th June, 12-2pm. Every fair needs more than 50 volunteers to help with stalls, prep, the bar and the BBQ. Please save the date!

  • Click here to join the volunteer WhatsApp group and learn more.


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